H2D Future of Grants Funding

Jul 9, 2024

Brussels, a city of rich history and innovation, is set to host a significant chapter of the Ethereum Community Conference (ETH CC) 2024, continuing the journey that began at last year's event in Paris. Join us for an extraordinary experience that bridges the gap between our past in Paris and our future in the heart of Europe.

What Awaits You in Brussels:

  • Conference Reunion: Reconnect with attendees from last year's ETH CC in Paris and meet fresh faces in the Ethereum community. Share experiences, insights, and the progress made since our last gathering.

  • Cutting-Edge Presentations: Immerse yourself in a series of insightful presentations, workshops, and panel discussions led by Ethereum pioneers, developers, and thought leaders. Gain unique insights into the latest advancements in Ethereum and blockchain technology.

  • Return to Our Ethereum Origins: Rediscover the iconic venues and settings that marked the beginning of our Ethereum journey last year in Paris, and witness the growth and evolution of our community.

  • Ethereum's Journey: Delve into the Ethereum ecosystem's journey, from its roots in Paris to the innovations, challenges, and transformations that have shaped it since.

  • Networking and Camaraderie: Engage in meaningful conversations and network with Ethereum enthusiasts, developers, and industry experts. Forge connections and renew acquaintances within the dynamic blockchain community.

  • Inspiration and Collaboration: Explore how Ethereum's decentralized ethos and technology have fostered collaboration, decentralized applications, and groundbreaking projects around the world.

  • Exclusive Announcements: Be among the first to hear exciting announcements, unveilings, and developments within the Ethereum ecosystem. Stay at the forefront of blockchain innovation.

"Brussels Welcomes ETH CC: A Homecoming in the Heart of Europe" is more than just a conference; it's a homecoming, a celebration of progress, and a testament to the transformative power of Ethereum and blockchain technology. Whether you're a developer, investor, entrepreneur, or simply passionate about blockchain, this event promises to be an unforgettable chapter in your journey.
